Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the union address

In president Bush's state of the union, he talks more about the military and President Obama talks about our country, and it's domestic problems. but if you look at them...there are a lot of identical words used. it seems that we as a country have not come very far as shown through these speeches. as presidents, they want to try to fix the world, but obviously they can not. it actually very frustrating to see when people make impossible promises and do not deliver, but i guess that is just the work of every politician. I also think that this year is not going to be an optimistic one. even though the economy is getting better there is still an abundance of problems facing this country and the world. and when the President says that he's going to do something and he hasn't done anything. So when the two speeches are almost identical, it definitely shows that the country has a lot of work to do in overcoming these obstacles and actually accomplishing things.