Monday, May 3, 2010

African rainforest folklore:the spirit

this story is about a boy who goes into the jungle to kill an elephant to prove himself to his tribe. once he kills the elephant he realizes that he is still hungry and kills a little boy who is walking with a spirit, although he does not realize that its a little boy until he ate him. when the spirit came looking for the little boy, and when she found him dead she screamed. the people in the village heard this so they found the spirit, cut her up, and put her in the forest.
a big part of what made this story entertaining is that it had a lot of action in it, and it seemed as if there was always something going on.
this story talked about African culture mostly because of the spirit in the rain forest, but the culture also changed when it talked about guns because it represented the European imperialism.
i think you could apply this story to life because it seems as if its every person for themselves. the boy who was hunting ate the child because he was hungry, and even though it was an act of cannibalism.

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