Monday, April 26, 2010

Obsession responce

  • as they are showing all of these attacks all over the world, i cant understand how people can do this to other people.
  • these jihads and hatred are happening everywhere, and that it is only a certain strain of Islam is radical,
  • and not all Muslims are bad. so the majority of Muslims are also victims.
  • 10-15% support terrorism groups.
  • Islam is life
  • jihad is a religious holy war for Allah
  • kids are saying jihads poems
  • jihad against other religions (in Islamic textbooks)
  • wants to carry out executions of anyone who is a threat to Islam. powerful word
  • jihad means self struggle (struggle with the west)
  • main theme in Arab media is hatred/hostility to west
  • demoralized Jews and the west (Arab/islamist propaganda)
  • US blamed themselves for 9/11; real problem is duty to do jihad
  • purpose of islamist propaganda is to make people hate the west so they will fight against them
  • Palestinians had positive reaction to 9/11, many middle east had happy response to 9/11
  • a lot of deception when it comes to spreading terrorism
  • if you live in a Muslim land, and your not Muslim you can kill people
  • they are here, a threat to Europe. growing minority
  • people don't see that Islamic fundamentalism is a global problem
  • people deny that there is a terrorist threat
  • the press should be alarming the people instead of looking the other way, history is repeating itself
  • jihads resemble Hitler Germany
  • learning from Nazi Germany, becoming the same but worse
  • brainwashing little kids just like Hitler did
  • media has outright lies against the west and Israel
  • had Muslims in Hitler Germany because they had the same goal
  • they want to destroy western civilization because they think they are superior
  • they want to "islamize" the world and control the earth
  • there is still hope to Muslims who do not believe that this is right
  • the west should not generalize all Muslims because all Muslims do nor believe this
  • in every generation there is freedom
  • "the only thing necessary for the triumph of for good men to do nothing"-Edmond Burke

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