Thursday, April 29, 2010

things i never knew about africa

one thing that i learned was that in Aswan in northern nubia the abu simbel temples along the west bank of the nile were carved of the pharoh Ramses II. and every february and october 22nd, at sunrise light penetrates these statues and illumanates them. also, Jebel Barkal was the capital and spiritual center of the ancient black kingdoms of the Nile for nearly a millenium. the great pyrimids of giza were built in the 4th century dynasty (4,600 years ago). the swahili people make up .5 million, and live in settlements along east african coast; the people have arab and asian culture. Voudo is the only traditional african religion that has survived in the new world. Vodou is monotheistic religion, which recognizes a single and supreme spiritual entity, and ossession, an important dimension of Vodou worship, is among the least understood aspects of the religion.

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