Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why bush went to war responce

I agree with this article. the three main reasons in this article why bush went to war are oil, Israel and military intelligence. This article talks about how going to war was more planned than people thought, and that there were possible ulterior motives behind it. Even though this article is clearly bias, each of these points have precedent and are each valid. the one i believe is why we went to war is because of oil.
We went to war because of oil. It is something that over the years the united states has become more and more dependent on. We thought if we could come into Iraq and overrule, we could obtain oil, and as said in the article comparing this to pearl harbor; all that was needed was a reason to invade, and 9/11 was that reason. Oil is a very controversial topic, and whoever has control has power, and the united states needed oil to feed their growing dependency.

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